Beekeeping in kenya pdf

Note the traditional log hive and the more modern movable comb kenya top bar hive on display. Apart from ethiopia, kenya and tanzania which produce most of the continents honey, other large markets like nigeria and south africa have a lot of unmet demand for bee products. The international centre of insect physiology and ecology icipe. A musthave starters guide to beekeeping daily nation. Mapping of the honey value chain and analysis of changes. Beekeeping and sustainability bees for development.

Appraisal of the beekeeping subsector in turkana, kenya. Beekeeping contributes to supporting sustainable livelihoods in poor and remote communities and honey bees provide an essential ecosystem service. This study was conducted in and around north gondar zone in amhara region. Beekeeping in coastal kenya kenya agricultural research institute p. You may want to kee2 bees for the delicious fresh honey they produce, for the benefits of their valuable services as pollinators for your crops, or per haps just for the fun of learning about one of natures most interest. Beekeeping in kenya has been practiced traditionally for many years. This beekeeping study was conducted in turkana district kenya for practical action in late 2007early 2008. Beekeeping is a fantastic way to venture into livestock farming.

Beekeeping microenterprises and unemployment in nyatike. Socioeconomic analysis of beekeeping technologies in kenya. Beekeeping for beginners keeping honey bees is a fascinat ing and profitable pastime that can be enjoyed in several ways. Factors of success in beekeeping development projects and. Randy oliver 530 2774450 introduction bees and man many species of beesabout 3500 in u. Beekeeping in somalia is a predominantly male activity although a number of wo read more. Kenya top bar hive and the traditional log hive are the common beehives around.

In africa, traditional beekeeping is more common than modern beekeeping affognon et al. Countries such as 015 sudan, uganda, somali and ethiopia largely use traditional beehives compared to countries such as kenya, south africa and tunisia among others. Beekeeping training at baraka agricultural college, molo, kenya, just outside the city of nakuru in east africa need bee books. And since kenyas arid and semiarid areas make up more than 80 per cent of the countrys landmass, bee keeping is an endeavour that. It is one thing to keep a few bees for your homestead consumption and another to have bees that produce honey for commercial purposes. Bees for development is an international charity, specialising in alleviating poverty through beekeeping. The hive group producer of quality honey in africa. Kigatiira, 1976 noted that the beekeeping industry in kenya is worth millions of shillings and plays important role in the economy of arid areas. This section has the plans for common beekeeping equipment. The purpose of the study was to assess both production and marketing of bee products and to design a beekeeping intervention for karamoja. Beekeeping and sustainable livelihoods second edition.

Assessment of performance indices of frame hive beekeeping. In the old days, the production of honey was a major industry in the african economy nightingale, 1976. Beekeeping apiculture is a livestock subsector with a huge untapped potential to contribute to kenyas rural household income and foreign. Women need to embrace alternative sources of income like beekeeping so they can withstand weather shocks like these.

First you need to prepare yourself when it comes to producing honey commercially. Forest livelihood briefs key messages zambia offers a conducive environment for beekeeping. Other beekeepers from around the world can learn simple and lowcost beekeeping methods, too. Beekeeping was identified as a potential means for diversifying and enhancing livelihoods. This publication discusses various aspects of beekeeping or apiculture, including state inspection programs, beginning basics, income sources and budgets, insurance, africanized bees, organic certification, and various bee pests and diseases. Watch our livestock program manager inspect hives in kwale county, kenya. Beekeeping is ideal for smallscale and resourcepoor farmers owing to the fact that it is completely sustainable, generates lots of income and requires less inputs land, labour and capital. However, traditional beekeeping in kenya has not been much to write home about because of the low volumes of honey produced and income generated. The kenyan tbh is differentiated from the other common design, the tanzania top bar hive, by having sloped sides intended to minimize attachment. Smith, sponsored by the canadian international development agency under an initial four year project begun in 1971. Assessment of challenges and opportunities of bee keeping in and around gondar malede birhan, selomon sahlu and zebene getiye university of gondar, faculty of veterinary medicine, department of animal production and extension, p. Embu district, located a few degrees south of the equator and east. A super organism composed of the queen, worker and drone bees with developing bees living together as a single unit.

Socioeconomic factors influencing adoption of modern bee. The kenyan top bar hive is a troughshaped hive that originated in kenya under the direction of canadian bee researcher dr. To empower local people with skills in beekeeping, as a way of addressing rural poverty and general health issues. Thus, top bar hives may provide a substantially lower cost for entry into beekeeping, and they are the predominant hive in some developing and underdeveloped countries. Top bar hives, including the kenya top bar hive, are now. Honeybees evolved in europe, africa, and asia very important in mans history wild bees source of honey, brood, and pollen domesticated bees source of honey no sugar and wax no oil tax records for beeswax. Beekeeping or apiculture is the maintenance of bee colonies, commonly in manmade hives, by humans. Most such bees are honey bees in the genus apis, but other honeyproducing bees such as melipona stingless bees are also kept. African bee keepers ltd has been gathering data for a good number of years using manual systems, this has been a tedious exercise and not as accurate as we would like it to be, having accumulated a fairly good data base, we have now been able to develop an application using the smart phone technology to capture accurate real time data from the field to a computer, the data is immediately. For many people all over rural africa, honey and beekeeping still have con siderable economic. Honey bee apis millifera european honey bee colony. The livestock sub sector in kenya of which bees are part, contributes about 10% of kenyas gdp. Beekeeping is an ideal homebased and lowcapital business for african entrepreneurs. The hive group is the leading supplier of modern cutting edge beekeeping equipment in the african continent and its islands.

Beekeeping can be carried out by men and women of any age however in some kenyan. Beginning beekeepers workshop scientific beekeeping. Varroa destructor, a parasitic mite of the honey bee originating from another honey bee species in. Standard beekeeping equipment plans garys honeybee page. Beekeeping and sustainable livelihoods food and agriculture. All bee colonies contain one queen, a handful of drones, and many worker bees, all of which have specific roles. In kenya three systems of beekeeping are said to exist, namely honey hunting, forest. Preface vii acknowledgements ix introduction 1 bees and traditional knowledge. Building from field experience to improve support for beekeeping in kenya and uganda x our project findings concur with other recent studies on the beekeeping sector in east africa. Ministry of agriculture, animal industry and fisheries. Course fees are inclusive of the tuition, food and accommodation. A beekeeper or apiarist keeps bees in order to collect their honey and other products that the hive produce including beeswax, propolis, flower pollen, bee pollen.

Africa consumes more than three times the amount of honey it produces. Courses run from sunday evening supper included to after breakfast on the following saturday morning. Assessment of challenges and opportunities of bee keeping. Click on the picture or description to get a pdf drawing. Beekeeping is seen as a business fairly easy to start with minimal capital requirement and not too labor intensive while utilizing very little land, bradbear, 2009. Pdf on apr 20, 2017, renaud heckle published beekeeping adoption in kenya find, read and cite all the research you need on.

Cleanly processed raw honey is in demand all over the continent. Beekeepingkenya top bar hives wikibooks, open books for. Successful african beekeeping homebeekeeping step by step. When a new queen is prepared, a cluster of bees take the queen and. However only 20% of the countrys honey production potential estimated at 100,000 metric tonnes has been tapped. Beekeeping is an old art in kenya that has been practiced since time immemorial by most communities. Honey was a vital commodity in the african culture and. Beekeeping is the art of managing bees in order to obtain honey, beeswax and other bee products for both food and income and sometimes medicine. When starting out you need at least ten thousand shillings. With modern beekeeping in kenya ideas, it is easy to produce honey today than it ever was before. Earning big from beekeeping with less than sh100,000.

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